EBA Minamata Fieldwork Program 2023 (20 February - 1 March 2023) is a workshop and fieldwork-related activities organized by Keio University, Japan. Participants in this workshop are universities from Japan (Keio University), Indonesia (Hasanuddin University, Brawijaya University, Syiah Kuala University), and Malaysia (Universiti Malaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia). UNHAS sent two students from Informatics Engineering and Industrial Engineering (Nurhasanah Abunawas and Zakiah Novacastry). Participants learn the basic methods and "Evidence-Based Approach" at the workshop before conducting fieldwork. The cases raised in this EBA Fieldwork are "Kumamoto Earthquake" and "Minamata Disease." Participants visited local communities and universities in the Kumamoto area to explore how we should respond and be prepared for disasters and learn an overview of the problem from specialists and visit several related facilities to collect evidence or data through IoT devices, intensive observation, and interaction with local residents. Based on the evidence, participants conducted group discussions and make final presentations on the workshop theme presented by each university.




